Exploiting SysML v2 Modeling for Automatic Smart Factories Configuration
Mario Libro , Sebastiano Gaiardelli , Marco Panato , and 3 more authors
In 2025 Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE) , Mar 2025
Smart factories are complex environments, equipped with both production machinery and computing devices collecting, sharing, and analyzing data. For this reason, modeling of today’s factory can no longer rely on traditional methods, and computer engineering tools, such as SysML, must be employed. At the same time, the current 1.* SysML standard does not provide the rigorousness required to model the complexity and the criticalities of a smart factory. Recently, SysML v2 has been proposed and is about to be released as the new version of the standard. Its release candidate version shows the new version aims at providing a more rigorous and complete modeling language, able to fulfill the requirements of the smart factory domain. In this paper, we explore the capabilities of the new SysML v2 standard by building a rigorous modeling strategy, able to capture the aspects of a smart factory related to the production process, the computation and the communication. We apply the proposed strategy to model a fully-fledged smart factory, and we rely on models to automatically configure the different pieces of equipment and software components in the factory.